Last Names of Nuevo Leon Family Tree Project

Purpose: To ensure and or attempt that your ancestors are represented in our future publications and upcoming updated editions of our books.

What We Need: A six generation Family Tree chart of your ancestors; with only information you have verified. Note: we provide you with an easy to fill in chart.

What We Do: Once we receive your chart, we will try to connect all of your ancestors that have roots in South Texas, Tamaulipas, Coahuila, and Nuevo Leon to our database. Chances are that we already have them, and it is just a matter of connecting your current generation to them.

Why Are We Doing This: We get many emails that we left ancestors out in our books. Genealogy research for our books is done researching from the past to the present. What we want to do now, is research from the present to the past but focus first on people that have living descendants like you.

Privacy: We don't include information in our publications dating from 1950 to the present. If you feel more comfortable only share information of ancestors that are already deceased. For example: you can submit a chart for each of your grandparents isntead of yourself.

Prticipating Is Easy*

To participate enter your name and email in the form below. You will receive an email in the next few minutes, with a link to a pdf form, that contains a six generation chart. Save it to your computer. Once you have filled it out reply to the email we sent you and attach the form. If you don't get the email in your inbox then check your spam folder for it. Emails with links to PDF's are ussually sent there.

* Please Note: Participation in this project is voluntary and you will not be compensated in any way nor hold any rights to any of our publications.