
This 383-page book contains five generations of the descendants of Marcos Gonzalez and Mariana Navarro. It is believed that he entered Nuevo Reino de Leon (Nuevo Leon) in before May 25, 1603 since on that date he was granted land, in “Los llanos de El Topo” nowadays Topo Chico, by Governor Diego de Montemayor. Marcos Gonzalez is considered to be the progenitor of the Gonzalez last name in Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, and Texas.

The parents of Marcos Gonzalez are Juan Gonzalez and Maria Lombrera. He married Mariana Navarro the daughter of Juan Navarro and Maria Rodriguez de Sosa. He married again to Maria Gutierrez de Olea.

Genealogist Tomas Mendirichaga Cueva states that Marcos Gonzalez was one of the oldest colonists of El Nuevo Reino de Leon where he did and married all of his children. He did in the early part of 1642.

Marcos Gonzalez was Alcade (mayor) Ordinario of Monterrey in 1624. It is also interesting to note that his children adopted the last name of Hidalgo after Gonzalez and it is unknown as to where it came from.

To recap, this book contains five generations of the descendants of Marcos Gonzalez and Mariana Navarro. You can use the button to your right to buy this book today on Amazon.

Gonzalez Last Names of Nuevo Leon


Book Details

Series: Last Names of Nuevo Leon (Book 10)
Paperback: 383 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1072538032
ISBN-13: 978-1072538035
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.9 x 11 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds